Burberry rujları Amerika'da büyük departman mağazalarında 30 $'a bulabilirsiniz.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Burberry Ruju Hakkında - All About Burberry Lipstick
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Bobbi Brown Corrector
Not: Son fondoten videomda bunu kullanmıştım. Uygulamalı olarak görmek için aşağıdaki videoya TIK :)
I have been using this product religiously every day since I got it about 4 months ago. I have pretty dark under eye circles and no matter which concealer I used from Lancome to Mac, nothing worked. My last routine was covering them as much as I could with Clinique's All About Eyes Concealer under eye concealer, but something was missing... (Yep, I like drama :D) Finally, I found my staple product, Bobbi Brown Corrector in Light Bisque! This will always be in my makeup collection probably for the rest of my life (Drama Queen :D) or until I find a better corrector. It's not drying (I always use under eye moisturizer though), super lightweight, has a peachy pinky tone which cancels out my browny purpely under eye circles. You should try the peachy pinky correctors if you suffer dark circles too, you'll see a huge difference. I also apply concealer on top of it and it changes the whole look for me. The combination of corrector and concealer do a pretty good job at saying good bye to one of my problems for the day :) I haven't found a permanent solution yet and I'm open to suggestions if you have any... Miracles come true, right? Bobbi Brown corrector can be purchased from Sephora for $23.
PS: I used this on my latest foundation routine. Click the video below to see it on action :)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Alışveriş - Haul
Kızlar alışveriş yaptım! Hem de çok! Bu sefer, video çekip son zamanlarda neler aldığımı sizlerle paylaşmak istedim, son zamanlarda derken son bir haftayı kastediyorum :) Hala konuşacak çok fazla ürünüm vardı ama zaman aktı gitti ve bir yerde durmak zorunda kaldım :) Ama hiç sorun değil, ileride blogumda onları da paylaşırım kesin. Şimdi neler aldığımı izleyelim mi? Bir dünya şey göreceksiniz videomda, pahalı makyaj ürünlerinden uygunlarına, cilt bakımından parfüme kadar... Umarım beğenirsiniz!
Girls, I have been shopping! A lot! This time, I decided to share what I got recently, when I say recently I mean during last week :) I still had a ton of stuff to talk about but time was ticking, so I had to stop somewhere :) No worries, I will talk about them on my blog for sure. Now, let's watch what I got! You'll find a lot of bits and bobs from high end makeup to drugstore makeup, skin care products and perfumes... Hope you enjoy!
Girls, I have been shopping! A lot! This time, I decided to share what I got recently, when I say recently I mean during last week :) I still had a ton of stuff to talk about but time was ticking, so I had to stop somewhere :) No worries, I will talk about them on my blog for sure. Now, let's watch what I got! You'll find a lot of bits and bobs from high end makeup to drugstore makeup, skin care products and perfumes... Hope you enjoy!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Instagram Hafta 3 - Instagram Week 3
Instagram hesabınız varsa sayfamı takip edip, hem videolardan, hem blog yazılarımdan, hem de ortaya karışık fotoğraflarımdan ilk defa siz haberdar olabilirsiniz :) Aşağıdaki resime tıklayın ve sayfamı ziyaret edin...
If you want to be the first to know about my videos, blog posts and my random photos, don't forget me to follow me on instagram :) You can click the picture below and visit my page...

Saturday, March 23, 2013
Rimmel Scandaleyes Eye Liner
I have to wait for quite some time to get my hands on some products, Rimmel Scandaleyes Eye Liners were one of them. They are recently launched in USA and I couldn't resist these 3 colors. I even used the Deep Blue one in my 5 products makeup tutorial which is linked below. If you would like to see it on action then click the video below. I have to say I love all three of the colors. Deep Blue is a very pigmented, and a little bit different than you traditional navy eye liner, it has more color to it. Taupe has become my favorite eye liner to pop under my eyes for extra definition. It makes my eyes bigger and makes my eye makeup tiny bit smokier but at the same time it also looks natural. Yep, hard to describe :) In my opinion, Nude can be your new white eyeliner. Instead of using white eyeliner on your water line, you might want to try using this color. This makes your eyes look brighter and bigger without looking too obvious. It cancels the redness on your waterline and makes your whole look more put together. I highly recommend all three of them, they are great value for their price. I'd like to try more, which color should I buy next?
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Rimmel Kate Moss Ruj 109 - Rimmel Kate Moss Lipstick 109
Rimmel'in Kate Moss rujlarını uzun zamandır denemek istiyordum, ama bir şekilde diğer tüm rujları alıp Kate Mossları es geçmeyi başardım. Ayıplıyorum kendimi :) Sonunda nude ya da pembe renklerdense canlı renklerden birini, 109 numarayı almaya karar verdim. Şok edici biliyorum! İtiraf etmeliyim ki çok renkli rujları genelde sürmüyorum, ama cesur olup artık onlara da kucak açmaya karar verdim :) Özellikle bu rengi çok sevdim, çok koyu değil çok parlak da değil. Evet, aslında parlak, ama daha parlaklarını da gördüm daha önce :) Dudaklarınıza renk biraz işlediği için uzun süre rengi kalıyor, ağır bir his bırakmıyor, rahatça kullanabiliyorsunuz, dudağınızın kuru yerlerinde birikme yapmıyor, gayet güzel ve tatlı duruyor. Bunlardan daha fazla denemeliyim, özellikle koyu morumsu bordomsu rengini... Hiç bunlardan birini denediniz mi? Beğeniyor musunuz yoksa çok da meraklısı değil misiniz?
I wanted to try one of Rimmel's Kate Moss lipstick for the longest time, but somehow I managed to get all other lipsticks but Kate Moss's. Shame on me :) I finally decided to go with one of the bold colors, Number 109 instead of the nude or pink ones. Shocking I know! I have to admit I don't wear bright lipsticks very often, but I decided that I should be brave and just embrace them :) I love this color in particular, it's not too dark and not too bright. Yeah, it's bright but I've seen brighter ones on the market :) It stains your lips a little bit, which makes it last longer, doesn't feel heavy on the lips, feels comfortable, doesn't cling on the dry patches, looks lovely and very pretty. I have to try more of these, especially the dark purplish burgundy color... Have you ever tried these? Do you like them or not too keen on them?
Monday, March 18, 2013
Instagram Hafta 2 - Instagram Week 2
Instagram hesabınız varsa sayfamı takip edip, hem videolardan hem blog yazılarımdan, hem de ortaya karışık fotoğraflarımdan ilk defa siz haberdar olabilirsiniz :) Aşağıdaki resime tıklayın ve sayfamı ziyaret edin...
If you want to be the first to know about my videos, blog posts and my random photos, don't forget me to follow me on instagram :) You can click the picture below and visit my page...

Sunday, March 17, 2013
Saç Bakımı ve Düzleştirme Rutini - Hair Care and Straightening Routine
Yine çok istenen bir video ile karşınızdayım, Saç Bakımı ve Saç Düzleştirme Rutinim. Evet, böyle bir rutinim var :) Eğer saçıma neler kullandığımı, hangi şampuan ve saç kremini sevdiğimi ve nasıl düzleştirdiğimi merak ediyorsanız aşağıdaki videoya tıklayın... Umarım beğenirsiniz!
Here I am with another most requested video, My Hair Care and Hair Straightening Routine. Yep, I do have a routine like that :) If you would like to learn which products I use on my hair, which shampoo and conditioner I like and how I straighten it, then click the video below... Hope you enjoy!
Here I am with another most requested video, My Hair Care and Hair Straightening Routine. Yep, I do have a routine like that :) If you would like to learn which products I use on my hair, which shampoo and conditioner I like and how I straighten it, then click the video below... Hope you enjoy!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Biraz Lila - A Little Bit of Lilac
Ne diyebilirim ki pastel rengi ojelere bayılıyorum. Hatta yaklaşık bir yıl önce sadece bununla ilgili bir video çekmiştim, Türkiye'de bulabileceğiniz 5 adet pastel oje göstermiştim sizlere. Merak edenler için videoyu da aşağıya ekledim :) Lila rengi tırnaklar için favori pastel ojelerimden biri ve özellikle bu rengi çok beğeniyorum. Çok güzel gözüküyor, çok baharımsı... China Glaze'in Light as Air'i ile yüzük tırnağımda Forever 21'in Multi isimli oje kombinasyonu da gayet güzel duruyor. Sizin favori pastel renginiz nedir? Biri mint yeşili mi dedi?
What can I say, I love pastel color nail polishes. I even filmed a video about it almost a year ago, showing you 5 of my pastel nail polishes, all of which can be found in Turkey. I'll link that video below if you were wondering :) Lilac is one of my favorite pastel colors to wear on my nails and I especially love this color so much. It looks very beautiful and spring like... I also like this combo; China Glaze's Light as Air with Forever 21's Multi on my ring finger. What's your favorite pastel color? Did someone say mint green?
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Evde Manikür / Tirnak Bakimi - At Home Manicure / Nail Care Routine
Beklediğiniz, görmek istediğiniz, izlemekten hoşlandığınız videoları çekmeğe hep özen gösteriyorum. Çekiliş videomda sizlerden isteklerinizi rica ettim ve en çok istenen videolardan biri Manikür videosu olunca ben de sizlerle kendi tırnak bakım rutinimi paylaşmak istedim. Benim yaptıklarımı yapmak zorunda değilsiniz her zamanki gibi, sadece evde manikürümü nasıl uyguladığımı merak edenler için yararlı olacağını düşündüm :) Umarım beğenirsiniz!
I always take into consideration your video requests, the videos you'd enjoy to watch and try to film them as much as I can. I asked you to request a video to enter my most recent giveaway and how to do manicure at home was one of the most popular requests. So, I thought it would be beneficial for some of you who wanted to see my nail care routine :) Hope you enjoy!
I always take into consideration your video requests, the videos you'd enjoy to watch and try to film them as much as I can. I asked you to request a video to enter my most recent giveaway and how to do manicure at home was one of the most popular requests. So, I thought it would be beneficial for some of you who wanted to see my nail care routine :) Hope you enjoy!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Instagram Hafta 1 - Instagram Week 1
Mini Alışveriş :) / Mini Haul •Revlon Nearly Naked Fondoten / Foundation & Pudra / Powder, Rimmel Scandaleyes Eye Liner ♥ Gunun Oje Deseni :) / Nail Design of the day ♥ Anchor Bar'da... / @Anchor Bar... ♥ Plakalarla :) / with Plates :) ♥ Chanel Makyaj / Makeup ♥ Chanel Magnolia Ruju / Lipstick ♥ Yeni favori makyaj temizleme mendilim / My new favorite makeup removing wipes ♥ Youtube'da Yeni Video! 5 Urunle Pratik Makyaj / New video on Youtube ♥ Hayir yapmamaliydim :) / No, I shouldn't have :) ♥ Ayyy muzik kutusunun tatliligina bakin Miniciiik :)) / The cutest music box ever :)) ♥ Blogda Yeni! Christian Dior Far Seti / New Post on the Blog! Christian Dior Eyeshadow Palette ♥ Manikur videosunu duzenlerken... / While editing my manicure video ♥ Ugrastigima degdi :) / It did worth all the trouble :) Essie Merino Cool & Essie Set in Stones ♥ Evde Manikur Videosu denizinpaylastiklari Youtube Kanalimda! / My "At Home Manicure" video is on Youtube!
Instagram hesabınız varsa sayfamı takip edip, hem videolardan hem blog yazılarımdan, hem de ortaya karışık fotoğraflarımdan ilk defa siz haberdar olabilirsiniz :) Aşağıdaki resime tıklayın ve sayfamı ziyaret edin...
If you want to be the first to know about my videos, blog posts and my random photos, don't forget me to follow me on instagram :) You can click the picture below and visit my page...
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Favori Günlük Far Setim Christian Dior - My Favorite Eyeshadow Palette Christian Dior
Farlara kısacık bir ara vermiştik, şimdi kaldığımız yerden devam ediyoruz :) Christian Dior'un Rosy Tan isimli 5li far seti, Dior kalitesini kesinlikle hissettiren bir set.
We took a small break from eyeshadows, now we continue from where we left off :) Chrsitian Dior's Rosy Tan 5 color eyeshadow palette is a product which definitely makes you feel the Dior quality.
Yumuşacık far yapısı, en açık renginden en koyusuna tüm renklerin çok pigmentli olması, muhteşem paketi, renklerinin uyumu, hem normal günlük bir makyaj olarak kullanılıp hem de gece için buğulu makyaj yaratılabilmesi, farların sabahtan akşama kadar hiç bozulmadan sürdüğünüz gibi durması...
It's buttery texture, having amazing pigmentation from the lightest color to the darkest, its gorgeous package, the correlation between the colors, the fact that you can use it both day and night from simple to smokey eye makeup, the staying power of the eyeshadows which will look exactly the same way you applied it in the morning until you want to remove it at night...
Herkese önerebileceğim, paraya kıymaya değer diyebileceğim bir far seti... Amerika'da 60 $'a büyük mağazalarda ve Sephora'larda bulabilirsiniz. Şimdi gözüm diğer renklerde, bir dahaki sefere hangisini alsam acaba?
Not: "Benimle Hazırlan" videomu izleyip, bu ürünü kullanarak nasıl günlük göz makyajı yarattığımı görebilirsiniz...
I highly recommend it to everyone, it does worth the fortune you spend for it... It retails for $60 and can be purchased at big department stores or Sephora. Now, I'm looking at some other colors, which one should I buy next?
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Thursday, March 7, 2013
5 Ürünle Pratik Makyaj - Practical Makeup with 5 Products
Acele makyaj yapmam gereken bazı günlerde hızlı olmanın çözümümü buldum, olabildiğince az ürün kullanmak! Bunu düşünerek de sadece 5 ürün kullanarak pratik bir makyaj videosu paylaşıyorum sizlerle. Başta, "Oho çok kolay, tabiki de makyajımı 5 ürün kullanarak yaparım" diye düşünebilirsiniz ama makyaj kolleksiyonunuzdan ürünleri seçmeye kalkınca bronzlaştırıcı da, kirpik kıvırtıcısı da, aydınlatıcı da... kullanmak isteyeceksiniz. Ama hayır bu sefer olmaz :) Eğer bu yazıyı okuyorsanız yeterli miktarda makyajınız olduğunu varsayıyorum. O zaman, bir deneyin ve kendiniz görün :) Hangi ürünleri seçtiğimi ve nasıl uyguladığımı görmek için aşağıdaki videoyu izleyin. Umarım beğenirsiniz!
Some days when I'm in a hurry, my solution to a quick make up is to use as minimum products as I can! With this in mind, I've uploaded my new video which is a practical makeup using only 5 products. When you think about it at first, you might think "Ohh it's easy I can apply my makeup with 5 products", but when you actually go through your makeup collection, you'll want to add a bronzer, eyelash curler, highlighter... No no you can't with this one :) If you are reading this, I'm assuming you have a decent amount of makeup. So, just try it and you'll see :) Click the video below to watch which products I chose and how I did my makeup. Hope you enjoy!
Some days when I'm in a hurry, my solution to a quick make up is to use as minimum products as I can! With this in mind, I've uploaded my new video which is a practical makeup using only 5 products. When you think about it at first, you might think "Ohh it's easy I can apply my makeup with 5 products", but when you actually go through your makeup collection, you'll want to add a bronzer, eyelash curler, highlighter... No no you can't with this one :) If you are reading this, I'm assuming you have a decent amount of makeup. So, just try it and you'll see :) Click the video below to watch which products I chose and how I did my makeup. Hope you enjoy!
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Chanel Magnolia Ruj - Chanel Magnolia Lipstick
Sizleri en sevdiğim rujumla tanıştırmak istiyorum, Chanel Magnolia. Bu ruju ne kadar çok sevdiğimi anlatabilecek kelimeler yok, ama yine de bir deneyeyim :) Açık ara farkla, denediğim en nemlendirici, en dudaklari kurutmayan formüle sahip, biraz şeffaf ama yeterince de pigmentli, doğal ve parlak gözüken bir ruj. Yumuşacık bir formülü olduğu için uygulaması çok kolay, uzun süre dudaklarda kalıyor yaklaşık 4 saat diyebilirim ve ten rengime de çok güzel uyuyor. Her gün kullandığım ruj haline geldi çok çabuk bir şekilde. Evet biliyorum, biraz pahalı ama inanıyorum ki paranızın karşılığını alırsınız, çünkü başka bir ruj sürmek istemeyeceksiniz :) Chanel rujlar Amerika'da Macy's gibi büyük mağazalarda 34 $'a satılıyor.
I'd like to introduce you to my most favorite lipstick, Chanel Magnolia. I don't believe I can tell you how much I'm in love with this lipstick, but I'll try :) It's by far the most moisturizing, the least non drying formula, sheer but still pigmented enough, very natural looking, shiny and glossy lipstick I've ever tried. It goes on so smoothly, it lasts quite a long time about 4 hours I'd say and it suits my skin tone perfectly. It has become my everyday go to lipstick. Yeah, I know it's a pricey, but I believe you'll get your money's worth. Because you won't want to wear any other lipstick :) Chanel lipsticks can be purchased at big department stores like Macy's in USA and this one retails for $34.
I'd like to introduce you to my most favorite lipstick, Chanel Magnolia. I don't believe I can tell you how much I'm in love with this lipstick, but I'll try :) It's by far the most moisturizing, the least non drying formula, sheer but still pigmented enough, very natural looking, shiny and glossy lipstick I've ever tried. It goes on so smoothly, it lasts quite a long time about 4 hours I'd say and it suits my skin tone perfectly. It has become my everyday go to lipstick. Yeah, I know it's a pricey, but I believe you'll get your money's worth. Because you won't want to wear any other lipstick :) Chanel lipsticks can be purchased at big department stores like Macy's in USA and this one retails for $34.
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